Lead Pastor
Harley has been a member Bethel's staff since 2014. He served in the various leadership roles such as Youth Pastor, Worship Pastor, and Executive Pastor. In February of 2022, Harley accepted the call to be our Lead Pastor. Harley is passionate about seeing every ministry at Bethel be as healthy and vibrant as possible. He is married to his beautiful and wonderful wife, Stevie. Together, they have three amazing daughters, Taylor Grace, Lila Emerson, and Carley Dawn. This family is dedicated to following Jesus, and serving you, not only at Bethel, but to the community of Taylor County, and beyond.

betty king
Worship Leader
Betty has been serving Bethel Church since 2012. She has served in many ways over the years, such as a Youth Leader, the Youth Worship Leader, and in the Nursery. In August of 2022 she gladly accepted the position as Worship Leader/ Ministry Assistant here at Bethel Church. She is gracious for the opportunity to worship God as a whole with Bethel Church and its visitors. Betty is married to her hard-working husband Albo King, and they have 2 rambunctious boys Rowan and Cillian King.
Rebecca wade
Children's Director
Rebecca became a part of Bethel Church in 2014. She has served in the children’s, youth, women’s, and Sunday School ministries. She has a passion for encouraging children to grow closer to the Lord. The hope of our children’s ministry is to equip children to go into the world and shine a light for Jesus. Rebecca and Bryan have been blessed with three beautiful children: Emma Jane, Nora Bryn, and Luke Aaron.